Safeguarding at RCA

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Jones and our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is Mrs Thomas. Our Trustee for Safeguarding is Mrs Kara Colquhoun. To report a safeguarding incident or make a safeguarding-related query, please get in touch.

Other contact details

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

The LADO (also known in Central Bedfordshire as the Allegations Manager) oversees investigations into allegations and concerns against adults who work with children and young people in both a paid and voluntary capacity. The criteria for LADO intervention is where the behaviour of an adult has resulted in a child being harmed or at risk of harm; a criminal offence may have been committed; or the behaviour of the adult may indicate unsuitability to work with children. If you have concerns about the conduct and behaviour of someone working with children and young people you can contact Central Bedfordshire’s LADO.

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

‘Say Something’ (reporting sexual exploitation) Call or text 116000.

Safeguarding resources


Has useful resources for keeping children safe online including sections on cyberbullying.

Childnet International

Is a multi-lingual resource site that has a guide on protecting your privacy on ‘Facebook’.

Internet Matters

Gives advice on parental controls and is a great way of preventing children from accessing unsuitable content online.

Catholic Youth Work

Has detailed guidelines on the use of social networking sites.

Parents Protect

Is a site to help parents, carers and other protective adults with information and advice to help them prevent child sexual abuse.

Stop It Now!

Reaches out to adults concerned about their own behaviour towards children, or that of someone they know, as well as professionals, survivors and protective adults. Stop It Now! runs a Freephone confidential helpline.

Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Is a registered child protection charity which works to prevent child sexual abuse. It runs ‘Stop It Now!’ and ‘Parents Protect'.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)

Has numerous resources for parents, carers and children using the internet; there are several video tutorials on the THINKUKNOW site which is part of CEOP.

The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS)

A voluntary organisation chaired by Ministers from the Department for Education and the Home Office. UKCCIS brings together over 180 organisations and individuals from government, industry, law enforcement, academia, charities and parenting groups. Some of the organisations UKCCIS works with include Cisco, Apple, Sony, Research in Motion, the four largest internet service providers, Facebook and Microsoft.